Thursday, January 13, 2011

most epic day ever!!!!


hope you all had a good day, cos I certainly did!

I finally went to the movies and saw 'Tangled' and I gotta say, it's such a great movie, it might just become my second favourite Disney movie? After Snow White of course, because Snow White rules and NOTHING (not even a movie with Mandy Moore's voice) can trump that!

And then me and Jacob just strolled trough town (well Grand Central Shopping Centre) a little bit and you won't believe it, but I bought a Nintendo 64! Well, we're sharing it, but it was my idea! I also got a game, Pokemon stadium. Why? Well, for two reasons: 1. its an awesome game and 2. I remember playing it with my two cousins and my sister at my grandma's place when we were little and we were having so much fun. I guess I was being sentimental, but it is a great game!

And then we went home (well, back to Jacob's this is) which took us like an hour (instead of the usual 30 mins.) because of all the flood damage! Seriously annopyed me!!!
Then we spend the rest of the night watching Charmed, because it's my all time fav. show and cos he mad me watch all seasons of Supernatural and a Deal is a Deal :)

And now I am home, because I cant spend every night not being at home and because my bed told me, it missed me (and maybe because I missed Dad a little bit, due to the fact we haven't seen each other much lately). 

Anyway, I just wanted to update you guys and shall now get back to playing the 64, even though it came with an ugly ass (yellow) controller. 

Enjoy life everyone, 

see you soon

xoxo Bianca


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